Tuesday, April 18, 2006

QUEST challenges School Board on ethics issues


The letter below was rejected for publication by the Courier News as submitted too late for school board election letters. It was forwarded to me, and I am posting it as a public service. -- Dan

April 12, 2006


It is good that Plainfield School Board attorneys continue to advise the Board to “do business in public.” It is hoped that the attorneys for Plainfield Board of Education continue due diligence to keep the Board out of harm’s way. The public should have some assurance that the attorneys are making every effort to properly advise the board in order to keep them free of any violation of Standards of Ethics conduct and / or “Pay-To-Play” ordinances.

Efforts to keep the Board out of harm’s way should be diligently pursued for the sake of the taxpayers of the Plainfield community since infractions or violations of ethics or ordinances by Board of Education members could cost taxpayers. Complaints or charges made against Board of Education members would be responded to by the Board’s attorneys. In the long run, the taxpayers of Plainfield bear the financial burden.

We ask that the Board attorneys, if they have not done so, to please look at and advise the Board of appropriate action to be taken to keep them out of harm’s way in reference to:

  • Board member Wilma G. Campbell is the landlord for the Plainfield Education Association. The PEA pays rental and building maintenance fees to Board member Campbell.
  • Board member Lisa C. Logan-Leach personally and independently brokered with vendors.
  • The Board has not implemented a corrective action plan to make minutes current.

Plainfield taxpayers have a right to expect that the Board is free of any violations that pertain to Prohibited Acts (NJSA 18A: 12-24), “Pay-To-Play” ordinances and/or “failure to implement.” It is important that the conduct of members of local boards of education and local school administrations hold the respect and confidence of the people. These board members and administrators must avoid conduct that is in violation of their public trust or which creates a justifiable impression among the public that such trust is being violated. We call upon our school board attorneys to advise the Board accordingly.

The QUEST Board Watch Committee
Carol Bicket, Inez Durham, Mary Gladden , Dorothy Henry, Margaret Lewis