Sunday, May 07, 2006

Eminent Domain - Courier - Monmouth-Gannett Poll: What people are saying

Courier News Online - Sunday, May 7, 2007

Monmouth-Gannett Poll: What people are saying

A Monmouth University-Gannett New Jersey Poll in September regarding eminent domain revealed the following:
  • 29 percent of New Jersey adults said they had heard "a lot" about eminent domain; 31 percent said they had heard "a little," and 40 percent said they had heard nothing about it.

  • 55 percent who know a lot about the issue said eminent domain was being used too much in New Jersey; 6 percent said it was not being used enough, and 21 percent said it was being used just enough.

  • 81 percent of those who have heard a lot about the issue said private developers benefit more from eminent domain; 14 percent said local communities benefit.

  • 75 percent of those who follow the issue said property owners do not receive a fair price; 15 percent disagreed.

  • 9 of every 10 adults who know about the issue said it is wrong to take low-value homes to build a shopping center.

  • 86 percent said it is wrong to replace a low-value home with a higher-value unit.

  • 88 percent said it was OK to take vacant/run-down buildings to build a school, while 65 percent said it was OK to take land from a developer to preserve open space.

  • 75 percent of those who follow the issue support a temporary moratorium on the use of eminent domain.
NOTE: The poll was conducted by telephone with 800 New Jersey adults from Sept. 21 to 26, 2005. The poll numbers for all adults have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, while the poll numbers for those who say they have heard a lot about eminent domain have a margin of error of plus or minus 5.8 percentage points.

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