Monday, July 10, 2006

State Budget - CourierPost - Assembly OKs by 1 - Green votes AYE

Published in the Courier Post Online blog, Saturday, July 8, 2006

Assembly OKs sales tax hike by 1 vote

Gannett New Jersey

It took a dramatic nine minutes, but the state Assembly this morning voted by one vote to increase the sales tax from 6 to 7 percent and expanding it to a range of new services, a tax increase of more than
$1.5 billion.

The bill was posted for a vote at 3:32 a.m., but it stalled at a tally of 39-38. Forty-one votes are needed for passage. Two assemblymen from Middlesex County -- Joseph Vas and John Wisniewski, both from the 19th District -- hadn't yet voted, and they held out until after huddling with Democratic Party leaders.

Forty of 49 Democrats voted for the bill, all but Nelson Albano, John Burzichelli, Douglas Fisher, Linda Greenstein, David Mayer, Paul Moriarty, Michael Panter Jr., Linda Stender, Jeff Van Drew. One of the 30 Republicans present voted yes: Assemblyman Frank Blee, whose district includes the Atlantic City casinos closed when gaming inspectors were furloughed.

The Senate discussed the sales tax briefly earlier but hasn't yet voted.
It is discussing the budget bill now.

Published: July 08. 2006 3:54AM

Link to online story

Note: Implication of list is that Green voted FOR the budget

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