Wednesday, July 12, 2006

State Budget - MercerInCharge - Straight scoop and Green's role...

Published as a post in Wally Edge column, PoliticsNJ, July 1-, 2006


Here's the straight scoop in NJ in re: The Budget...

Corzine is the big winner. Norcross is the big loser.

The "Superboss from the South" isn't taking this loss well -- although he views it as just a momentary setback. For him, this is just one round of a protracted fight he'll continue to aggressively prosecute. He won't relent until he wins the prize -- total control of the State.

Word in South Jersey is the Camden Machine is now plotting their next move to undermine Corzine and Codey. Despite the weakened condition of many South Jersey Democratic legislators, the Camden Machine views all of them as unbeatable next year given the feeble, underfunded Republicans of the region -- with the exception of the strong Burlington and Ocean GOP organizations. Norcross believes the most vulnerable Democratic legislators are located in North and Central Jersey districts.

Sweeney's recent crusade ( is a long-term strategic move hatched by Steve Ayscue to advance Norcross' power ambitions while undermining Corzine, and this initiative will intensify in upcoming months.


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Will Caraballo survive? After Speaker Roberts leaves his leadership post who will ascend to the throne? Will Wally Edge (also known as Steve Ayscue) finally quit using his web site to promote his South Jersey Democrats? Is Rabner soon going to replace embattled AG Zulima? Will Cryan and Greenwald kiss and make up? Will a light bulb go off over on the GOP side this summer and someone finally realizes Kean Jr. needs to see a speech coach? Will another light bulb go off in Tom Wilson's office with the stunning revelation that Baroni-esque winning strategies can be employed elsewhere in the state? Will Ferriero finally succeed in taking the crown off Weinberg and bestowing it upon Zisa? Will Palatucci be the Kingmaker in NJ's next gubernatorial election? For how long can Lautenberg continue to do it? (No, we're not referring to the newlywed's romance life.) Will statewide GOP candidates ever figure out the secret of how to walk, chew gum, appeal to centrist voters, and avoid inflaming pro-lifers?

Comment Posted by: MercerinCharge | July 11, 2006 03:44 AM

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