Friday, July 07, 2006

State Budget - Wally Edge - A primary for Caraballo

Published by Wally Edge on PoliticsNJ, Wednesday, July 5, 2006

A primary for Caraballo

There are reports from Essex County that Democrats will withdraw party support for Assemblyman Wilfredo Caraballo's 2007 re-election campaign because the veteran Newark legislator is siding with Speaker Joseph Roberts. The rest of the Essex delegation has chosen to ally themselves with Governor Jon Corzine, as have Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo and Newark political powerhouse Stephen Adubato, Sr. Sources say that Caraballo, a close Adubato ally, has been told he might be dropped from the Essex Democratic line if he continues his alliance with Roberts. The source also said that Caraballo's political relationship with Adubato has become deeply strained over the last week.

Caraballo represents the 29th district, where a contested Democratic primary for State Senator is likely if the incumbent, Sharpe James, seeks re-election next year. James, whose twenty-year tenure as Mayor of Newark ended on July 1, has not yet declared his intentions. There is considerable speculation that City Councilman Luis Quintana, an ally of Mayor Cory Booker who challenged James in the 2003 primary, wants the Senate seat. Last week, Mildred Crump was elected Council President -- a spot Quintana had been seeking -- increasing talk that Quintana was headed for the Senate instead.

The other Assemblyman from that district is William Payne, the brother of Congressman Donald Payne. Payne and Caraballo have had a distant relationship since late last year, when Payne announced that he would back Bonnie Watson Coleman against Caraballo in the race for Assembly Majority Leader.

Posted by Wally Edge on July 5, 2006 11:47 AM |


"If my man Cory wants real power, he should get Quintana to run as a Republican (since I've heard he really is), and then make a coalition with Republicans in Bloomfield and Belleville to win a seat in the 28th, especially since his nemesis Ronald Rice has that seat. Newark is being destroyed by Corzineism and even they might vote Republican in 2007. Hopefully Irvington stays home, Newark, Bloomfield and Belleville vote Republican, and then Oadline the Idiot can go back to her library!

Posted by: PaulieWalnuts [TypeKey Profile Page] | July 5, 2006 02:07 PM


One thing is certain, Cory will have a say in the soon to be former Rice and James Senate seats.

Posted by: mojo [TypeKey Profile Page] | July 6, 2006 04:31 PM

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