Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jerry Green - Ledger - Letter: Words of prejudice

Published in the Star-Ledger, Sunday, September 17, 2006, Section One, page 49.

[Letter to Editor]
Lawmaker's words smack of prejudice

Having left behind his assault on state workers and their unions, Assemblyman Jerry Green (D-Union) has moved on to impugn Hispanics.

At a public meeting on Aug. 1 at the Plainfield Senior Center, Green attacked a Hispanic group that had proposed that a Hispanic be chosen to replace deceased council President Ray Blanco on the Plainfield City Council.

Their proposal was distasteful to Green. Then, stating he never used the race card in his political career, he went on to attack Hispanics. He complained that undocumented workers constitute 50 percent of those using Muhlenberg Medical Center who lack health insurance, that 60 to 70 percent of Plainfield charter school students are Hispanic.

Personally, I was shocked at the prejudice expressed. I well remember the words of someone I do consider a leader of people, who state that we should judge people by their character not the color of their skins.

Voters in the 22nd District should consider whether or not Assemblyman Green is a leader who represents their interests and attitudes.

Patty Ganley Bender

This letter was published in the UNION FORUM in the Union County section of the paper, Section I, page 49. It was never put online.

(Note: Online stories may be taken down by their publisher after a period of time or made available for a fee. Links posted here is from the original online publication of this piece.)

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