Monday, May 14, 2007

Legislature - Jerry Green - Bill supports very-low-income housing

Published in the Star Ledger, Friday, May 11, 2007

Bill advances to earmark very-low-income housing

Legislation that would set aside at least 25 percent of affordable housing built in New Jersey for families attempting to live on very low incomes was approved by the Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee yesterday.

"More than 1 million New Jersey families don't earn enough to afford the rent on an average two-bedroom apartment in the state," said Assemblyman Wilfredo Caraballo (D-Essex), a co-sponsor. "This bill will ensure that we set aside enough quality housing for New Jersey's most vulnerable families."

About 75 affordable housing activists lobbied legislators at the Statehouse to approve the measure. The legislation (A1343), which would amend the state's "Fair Housing Act," moves to the full Assembly for consideration.

According to a 2006 study by the nonprofit Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey, the average cost to rent a two-bedroom apartment is $1,058, requiring a family to earn more than $43,000 to meet the standard that the cost of their rent does not exceed one-third of their income.

Link to online story.
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