Thursday, April 24, 2008

Muhlenberg - Courier - OpEd by Jerry Green on Board Prez

Published in the Courier News, Friday, April 18, 2008

Criticism of Muhlenberg chair grounded in accountability

I don't usually respond to editorial criticism, but the editorial in the April 9 Courier News was so misleading that I cannot just let it pass.

In calling for Ron West's resignation from his position as chairman of the Board of Trustees of Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center, I am not blaming him for the hospital's problems. The responsibility for our current health care crisis starts at the White House, which has used up the country's surplus, put our nation into debt that will take generations to overcome, and made drastic cuts in federal health-care funding and in other aid to the states.

As a member of the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services, I have seen how those funding cuts have impacted health-care facilities all over the state. Although I am especially concerned about Muhlenberg, I recognize the need for action throughout New Jersey, particularly in urban areas, to make sure that quality health care is available to all.

But I have cast no blame on Mr. West personally or on Gov. Corzine or on anyone else for Muhlenberg's problems. In fact, I have been working with the leadership of Solaris Health Systems for years to make sure that Muhlenberg has received special funding from the state, and I am continuing to do that. As a representative of Plainfield and the rest of the 22nd Legislative District, that is my responsibility. And it is also my responsibility to share information with local decision-makers and, to the maximum possible extent, with the community.

Similarly, the Muhlenberg Board of Trustees should be concerned about the community served by its Regional Medical Center, and as chairman of that board, Mr. West has an obligation to act in the community's best interests. As a representative of Muhlenberg on the Solaris Board, he should be doing that also. Certainly, as a Plainfielder, he should be concerned about the impact of the potential closing of Muhlenberg on the entire Plainfield community. And he should not have concealed those plans from the community he is supposed to serve.

Unfortunately, Mr. West seems to have disregarded those obligations. I have learned from members of Gov. Corzine's administration that even before Solaris announced its plans, Mr. West had already agreed -- as a member of the Solaris Board representing Muhlenberg -- to close our medical center. And he did this without telling our citizens or our community's leadership. Perhaps he may have felt that he could not speak to the public as a representative of Muhlenberg or on behalf of the Board of Trustees. But holding such positions does not deprive anyone of the right to free speech -- and if ever a time for communication with the community was needed, it was before the decision was made. I believe Mr. West owes our community an explanation.

I have been attending the marches and rallies held protesting the hospital's planned closing, and I have seen the pain on the faces of employees and listened to their concerns. I have heard the personal stories of citizens whose lives have been saved by the Muhlenberg staff. I know that this community needs its hospital. And it saddens me that Mr. West, as chairman of the Muhlenberg board, has been unwilling to meet with the community or to come to any of the rallies and explain why he agreed to close the hospital. All of those rallies were announced, the public knew about them, and they were well attended.

Members of the Plainfield community and the surrounding areas served by Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center have a right to know the reasons for Solaris' plan to close their hospital, what health care services will remain if that happens, and what will happen to the rest of the Muhlenberg campus. Mr. West, as chairman of the Muhlenberg Board of Trustees, has shown no interest in communicating with the public on these important issues, and this is unconscionable. It's important that we have people on the Muhlenberg board who feel responsible to our community, who will stand up for the needs of our community, and who will tell the truth to our community. Anyone who is not willing to do that should not serve on that Board of Trustees, and that's why I have called for Mr. West's resignation.

There are some people in Plainfield, including Mr. Adrian Mapp and others with their own political agenda, who never miss a chance to point their fingers at Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and at me whenever any problem comes up. Now that's blame. But Muhlenberg's current crisis is much too important to our community to be used as a political football.

I haven't cast any blame before, and I'm not doing it now. I have called for Mr. West's resignation and replacement because of his indifference to the needs of this community. My concern is accountability.

Assemblyman Jerry Green, D-Plainfield, represents the 22nd Legislative District


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Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:11 pm

Jerry Green is once again misleading the public and LYING about what has transpired at Muhlenberg. To say that he is not "blaming" someone and then to go on and bloviate for several paragraphs while continuing to cast blame is ridiculous, and the DESPERATE tactic of a PATHETIC DEMAGOGUE. Mr. Green is the one who should be enlisting the support of his fellow legislators. Thus far, we have not seen in print ONE SINGLE WORD from Linda Stender or Nicholas Scutair, the other 2 legislators for the 22nd District. Do they not care about Plainfield and its population?? What about Jerry working with his colleagues at the state level to make sure they vote against the hospital closing? He is always saying how close he is to the governor, and how much power he holds in Trenton. Well, why don't you use that power to lobby for a hospital in the community where you live, Mr. Green? You talk about accountability--where's YOUR accountability? You sold us down the river with your vote against Abbott recently, and you said that if you knew what was going to happen, you wouldn't have voted that way. Plainfield is tired of your continuous lies and your refusal to do anything to help us. You always vote the way you are told. Why don't you just admit that--you are a puppet for the people who keep you on the line. You say that Muhlenberg should not be used as a "political football" and yet that is precisely how you use it. Many people have recorded your comments, so you are on record as a LIAR.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:42 am

Jerry Green is once again misleading the public and LYING about what has transpired at Muhlenberg. To say that he is not "blaming" someone and then to go on and bloviate for several paragraphs while continuing to cast blame is ridiculous, and the DESPERATE tactic of a PATHETIC DEMAGOGUE. Mr. Green is the one who should be enlisting the support of his fellow legislators. Thus far, we have not seen in print ONE SINGLE WORD from Linda Stender or Nicholas Scutari, the other 2 legislators for the 22nd District. Do they not care about Plainfield and its population?? What about Jerry working with his colleagues at the state level to make sure they vote against the hospital closing? He is always saying how close he is to the governor, and how much power he holds in Trenton. Well, why don't you use that power to lobby for a hospital in the community where you live, Mr. Green? You talk about accountability--where's YOUR accountability? You sold us down the river with your vote against Abbott recently, and you said that if you knew what was going to happen, you wouldn't have voted that way. Plainfield is tired of your continuous lies and your refusal to do anything to help us. You always vote the way you are told. Why don't you just admit that--you are a puppet for the people who keep you on the line. You say that Muhlenberg should not be used as a "political football" and yet that is precisely how you use it. Many people have recorded your comments, so you are on record as a LIAR.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:34 am

Online story here. Archived here.

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