Sunday, February 01, 2009

Obama Stimulus Plan - Ledger - Table: How NJ would be stimulated

The following table is transcribed from the print edition of the Star-Ledger for Sunday, February 1, 2009. It accompanied a story on New Jersey and Obama's economic stimulus plan: "NJ stands to get vast boost"

The Stimulus Plan: How Jersey would be stimulated

Under the House version of the economic stimulus bill, New Jersey would get roughly $4.3 billion. Experts said that figure probably would not be appreciably different in the Senate version. This is a rough breakdown of what New Jersey could expect to get in various programs.

State budget stabilization aid (includes some school funding)
$1.7 billion
Highways and bridge projects
$777 million
Mass transit projects
$500 million
Individuals with Disabilities Act
$397 million
Funding for poor children, special education
$252 million
Public schools modernization, renovation and repair
$289.9 million
Modernization, renovation and repair of college buildings
$129.7 million
Employment and training programs
$64 million
Upgrade law enforcement drug courts and gang prevention
$52.3 million
Low-income  home energy assistance
$37.8 million
Child Care and Development Block Grants
$34 million
Community Service Block Grants
$27 million
Educational technology grants
$18.2 million
Head Start programs for pre-school children
$12.5 million
Preventive health services
$9 million
Elderly nutrition services

$5.2 million
Source: House Appropriations Committee